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Friday, January 14, 2011

General Knowledge for UPSC Prelims -1

GK is a tough nut to crack for UPSC prelims because there is no beginning and no end.One should therefore try and prioritize areas from where questions are most likely to be asked. I am sharing with you what all I prepared for GK in these four years and I hope that it would at least give you a fair idea as to what one must read as part of GK preparation for prelims.I would be covering GK portion in several posts over a period of time and this is the first one in the series.

Important Inventions/Discoveries ---------- Scientist

1.Oxygen ----------- Joseph Priestly
2.Positron ----------- Anderson
3.Dual nature of electron --------De Broglie
4.Photo-electric effect-----------Einstein
6.Tuberculosis causing bacteria-----Robert Koch
7.Atom Bomb------Oppenheimer
8.Atomic Numbers-------Moseley
9.Atomic Theory-------Dalton
11.Cloning------Ian Wilmut
12.DNA structure-------Watson & Crick
14.Fax machine---------Alexander Bain
15.Fountain Pen--------L.E.Waterman
19.Lightning Conductor-------Benjamin Franklin
22.Optical Fiber------Narinder Kapany
23.Periodic Table------Mendeleyev
24.Printing Press-------Gutenberg
26. Quantum Theory-----Planck
27.Radio Telegraphy-----Marconi
28.Telegraph Code------Morse
31.Uranium Fission------Fermi
32.X-ray ------Wilhelm Roentgen
34.Cholera,T.B germs-------Robert Koch
35.Circulation of blood -------William Harvey
36.Leprosy Bacillus--------Hansen
37.Penicillin-------Alexander Fleming
38.Rabies vaccine-----Louis Pasteur
39.Rh-factor--------Karl Landsteiner
40.Vaccination-------Edward Jenner

Now this list is by no means comprehensive,but the point in GS preparation for prelims is that if you will keep reading without discriminating important from less important,you will end up reading a lot but remembering very less.....which would be a recipe for disaster.One can look up the inventions and discoveries from Manorama Yearbook or any other source,but learn to discriminate.Happy studying !!!

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